No.1 Gaoda Industrial Park,
Fenggang, Dongguan, China


Understanding the Molex 4-Pin Connector

Molex 4-pin connectors are sometimes also referred to as “Molex Mini-Fit Jr.” connectors. This alternative name is derived from the company name “Molex” and the specific product line “Mini-Fit Jr.” which includes various types of connectors, including the 4-pin variant.

The Molex 4-pin connector is a common electrical connector that plays a vital role in computer hardware, often used to connect peripherals to the power supply. This article delves into the characteristics of the connector and its applications in computer systems.

Characteristics of the Molex 4-Pin Connector:
The Molex 4-pin connector typically features:
1. Four pins: This connector comprises four metal pins, used for transmitting power and possibly other signals.
2. Socket and plug: Devices are equipped with corresponding sockets, while the connector itself takes the form of a plug, facilitating insertion and removal.
3. Locking mechanism: It often includes a locking mechanism to ensure a secure connection and prevent accidental disconnection.

The Molex 4-pin connector is primarily employed to connect peripherals to the power supply. Its applications include but are not limited to:
1. Case fans: Used to connect fans within the computer case, ensuring optimal cooling performance.
2. Hard drives and optical drives: Utilized to connect storage devices such as hard disk drives and optical drives, providing power support.
3. Other peripherals: Devices such as LED light strips, cooling fans, and other peripherals may utilize the connector as a power interface.

As a common electrical connector, the connector finds widespread use in computer hardware. It offers convenient and reliable power connections, supporting the normal operation of various peripherals. Understanding its characteristics and application areas allows for better utilization and maintenance of devices within computer systems.

With over 20 years of experience, Scondar stands as a leading custom wire harness manufacturer, providing dependable tailored services and a wide range of connector models and wires. Contact us for your customized solutions.

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